Privacy Policies

Hello to that person who is reading these policies. Well, let me make one thing clear, the policies below, aren’t for you, it’s for me. I am writing this page as my friend suggested me to create a privacy policy page for my site but in actual legal terms, no one can write policies for their site visitors as we all buy a domain and hosting to create a website, we don’t own it. We pay a yearly fee. So, in reality, no one in the world owns a site, they rent it.

So keeping these thoughts I planned to create a policy page where I want to tell (yes tell, not ask) all readers that:

  • I will not add an image in, which isn’t from my camera, starting from 2016.
  • I will never add a blog which, written on any other site. All stories here are my personal visit.
  • I will never share a private information which is added to my site via blog comment or mail subscription which I am going to start soon.
  • I will never share a 3rd party in which I have never used, like writing a review of a Hotel, Resort, which I haven’t stayed in.

Well so far I am only able to figure out these, but will add more once I am stuck with a point which assists my site reader. Till then – keep traveling.