I Started this blog for two reasons. I love traveling and 2nd I am from this sector. Worked as an intern for two years in a major NASDAQ listed online travel firm (2011 & 12) which gave me an excellent opportunity to connect with tour guides, travel bloggers, hoteliers in different parts of India.

So when I finished my internship I knew that for a living, I don’t need to get into 9 to 5 job (or as in India we say 9 to 9) and traveling + connecting can do wonders. So in the year 2015, I started JatinChhabra.com, which got in action by 2016.

Jatin Chhbara

Then in May 2016 I decided to buy a DSLR and booked every last week in a month for traveling.

My aim is to visit places which have historical value and aren’t into a huge spotlight as Taj Mahal. So after doing some brainstorming I finalized some unique trips which nobody has covered.

Like I want to visit ancient step-well in India, visit every sand dunes in India and want to cover the origin of Ganges (River Ganges) from point A to Z.

Well, thats my plan and that’s what I am going to do….