My love for Indian Step Wells has brought me to a village in Amer to visit, Panna Meena ka Kund or Panna Meena Step well.
This step wells is just next to Amber fort, but I was surprised to see that only a handful of tourist who visit the Fort knows about this delightful site.
Hell, there isn’t any Wikipedia page about this 450 year old heritage site, which makes me sad. But never the less, it’s worth visiting, and so I did.

Panna Meena ka Kund
A small history note on Panna Meena ka Kund
It is said that this stepwell is 450-year-old, and was mostly an evening chit chat spot for Jaipur locals. But as per me, it must be a relaxing place for deities of the 16th century temple (which is now a monument) just next to this kund. Check the temple pics.

Old Temple next to Panna Menna Kund

Old Temple next to Panna Menna Kund
Well, this is the 2nd Indian or Rajasthani step well I have visited (1st being Chand Boari of Abhaneri) and at both these sites, locals said that its impossible to enter the step well and return from the same stairs because of its structure.
And they might be right as I wasn’t able to do the same at Chand Boari, but it was not an issue at Panna Meena as kept an eye on the stair from which I entered.
Well, it’s just some locals trying to start a conversion…
So to all those who are planning to visit Jaipur, do add Panna Menna ka Kund on your bucket list, after checking the below images I took of this ancient marvel.

The entry view of Panna Meena ka Kund

Step wells of Panna Meena ka Kund

Place to sit and quite nice.

View of Amber fort

Rooms aside the Kund

Exit view

Panna Meena ka Kund
Many tour guides may suggest you not to visit the place as it takes an extra hour from their time, but if you are a travel freak like me, the Panna Meena ka Kund is worth visiting. From Amber fort, this place is just 2 km.
Hey Could you please post this link to our weekly thread for backpacking in India? :) Thanks!
Sure but how?
Great account of this beautiful place, Jatin. Probably, once you are done with your trip to visit all these stepwells, you can make a list or summary of the best ones. will help us all.
Hi Arv, When I planned to cover Stepwells in India, the list was around 18 sites. Till now, I have visited 28, travelled 6 states and the now the list is around 37 :) Though I do plan to write a guide on Indian Stepwells in Aug’17 and even thinking of a book.
Plus do check out Initiation Wells. If if future I am able to earn something from the blog – this will be my 1st foreign trip.
Hi Jatin.
Great blog with good photos!
I’ve spent quite a few days in Jaipur on various visits looking at step wells, found 6 all within walking distance of Panna Meena Ka Kund. Last November, two of them seemed to be under some sort of renovation/cleanup. I’ve been trying to find one or two step wells in the Jaisingh Pura Khor area, but having no luck. do you know anything about them?
I’ll be back in Jaipur later this year for 6 nights including Diwali, Spending a few days in Jodhpur too – only visited for 1 day last year and I was a bit ill. Regarding Jodpur Stepwells, apparently there are/were quite a few in the city, Taapi Bawri is one I’d like to see. I’m planning on doing a short day tour with Virasat Experiences this year that includes stepwells/Jahlaras, hopefully they might cover it.
On writing a book – If you ever get around to it, do include geo location data. I note there are already 2-3 books on Indian stepwells, but they are a little out of my price range, £193 for the dearest one! Lol.
Keep up the good work!
Hi, if u are stepwell lovers there are some of the best stepwells in rani ki vav, other at surya temple and more.
Hi I visited Jaipur and this beautiful stepwell last Nov, realising it was the one in the film. I’m just finishing my video! and looking for info on it and found your page.
The stepwells are so amazing and I too plan to see more!
Thank you for your blog. I like so much thé stepwell. I travelled 13 times in India and try To find news stepwell each time. I saw this last in Amber village 10 years before. It was in a french guidenook. I have To remenber how many I saw and i’ll give you a list with stars. M’y favorit are Chand Baori and Rani Ki va of course, like post people. Not far from Delhi, you can see very nice stepwell in Ramgarh (near Alwar), Jhunjhunu, Dholpur,
In Gujarat, one is very beautiful in Sihor,.You can see a little but nice in the center of Patan, made with colums of the Rani ki vav in the 18 century, in Bhuj, one is interesting. In Madhya Pradesh, most beautiful stepwell are in Chanderi ( many steppwells).
I’m coming again in october and hope to see the Neemrana Stepwell. Is it easy to find ?? I’m visiting again Maheswar and Mandu ( beautiful stepwell also) and différents places in south Rajasthan near Kota. Except Bundi ( I visited this city 2 times), do you know if I can find Stepwells ??
Ramgarh (near Alwar), Jhunjhunu, Dholpur
Thanks for these. Will explore all these 3…
Neemrana Baoli, yeah it’s just 1 km from the Neemrana Fort. Here is the location of the stepwell on Google Maps –
I just hired a cab from Delhi and we reached here in 3-4 hours.